I ordered more than 1 item, why didn't they all come at the same time?

Often times when you order multiple items they are shipped at separate times and from different suppliers. Also, if you order multiple items of the same item, the supplier may ship them separately. Don't worry, the items will arrive.  

How long does it take for my items to arrive?

Depending on the time of year, it can take several days or weeks for delivery. Holidays are always busier times, and delivery could take longer. We try to chose suppliers who provide the fastest shipping options, yet things can happen. Each product page will disclose the approximate delivery time. If you don't receive your order in the estimated time, please contact us.

Is your site safe and secure?

Yes, it is 100% secure and we take that very seriously. That is why we are proud of our Trusted Site (formerly McAfee) approval.

How do I cancel an order?

Orders are usually placed very quickly after received. If you decide you want to cancel an order, contact us with the order number. If the we have already sent your order to our supplier, then we will be unable to cancel it as it is already in the process of shipping or printing.

I didn't receive an order confirmation?

If you have not received an order confirmation email, please check your email spam or suspicious email folder. To avoid our email going into spam, please add us to your inbox. If you still have not received a confirmation email, please contact us. We will look into it and resend.

I want to change my order or address.  Is that ok?

We get it that things happen and mistakes can be made. We process the orders on the same day they are placed. If you need to make a change, please contact us ASAP. We will do our absolute best to make that change. But we can't make any promises. If the item(s) has been processed by our supplier and being shipped, it may be too late. If you do receive the wrong item, just follow our return policy. Once we receive the item, we can send out the correct item.